It is no secret that Stefanini has high CSI when it comes to service delivery, What is the key ingredient for excellent customer service in your organization?
Indeed, Stefanini has a high CSI, but when it comes to CSI high is never high enough. Especially when you deal with hundreds of thousands of clients every month, once the percentage is not 100%, there is still room to improve.
I believe having a management team aligned around this philosophy is key to ensuring continuous progress. Attached to that, we have the quality process, a service culture oriented team that accepts that there is always room for improvement and takes this as a positive challenge.
- IT Service Provider
- Excellent Customer Service
- Technology use in Customer Service
What is the main challenge for an IT Service provider in delivering excellent customer experience?
There is no single action that in isolation can guarantee an excellent customer experience. For any IT provider to deliver this, it requires a complex mix of processes, tools, and last but not least, people and people, over and over again. It requires the right mindset, the right recruitment, the right people development, engagement, leadership.
We know that you drive your service culture in Stefanini Romania using a service vision “Smile, IT helps”; please share with us what it means for Stefanini?
“Smile IT helps”- a logo which our organization embraced with a lot of passion, has a double meaning: IT helps organizations to grow and develop, so our people should be proud of working in IT, but it also relates to the fact that smiling at work it really important: it helps our employees in enjoying their work, it helps our customers to stay positive, it supports the team spirit and the well-being at work.
Technologies are evolving faster than ever. Weather is it Artificial intelligence or chatbots. All claim to provide better experiences for customers. How?
New technologies are here. We should not be scared of them. They will only make the human work more meaningful and will allow humans to concentrate on the tasks where they can add value through their intelligence and through the personalized contact, while the simple tasks can be taken over- faster, easier and with a lower chance of error, by machines. I truly believe technologies will continue to be an enabler for better lives and better business results, so we should enjoy them and contribute every day to the technological evolution.
Could you share with us an inspiring story about excellent customer service from Stefanini Romania?
There is no single story. We have tens of such stories every day, it would not be fair to mention only one. We want to make sure that we use them as an inspiration for our colleagues, that’s why we post these success stories on the walls, so colleagues can read them, understand the difference they make when doing a good job and also find sources of inspiration. Mistakes are meant to learn from them, but so are success stories. We do not forget to remember them every day and find our energy in them.
How Stefanini Romania has evolved in last 5 years?
Stefanini Romania had an impressive growth over the last 5 years. We almost tripled our employee base, added one more support center and several services in our portfolio. It has been a great journey, which is meant to continue. We are aware of the importance of staying aligned and making sure we have a strong service culture, it is our way of continuing to deliver the best services for our customers and enjoying our time at work.
More about Andreea
Andreea joined Stefanini in 2011 and she is currently Vice President of Service Delivery for EMEA region. She is responsible for the delivery of IT support services – service desk and infrastructure – in Europe, through the service centers in Romania, Poland, Belgium and the Republic of Moldova, and she is coordinating the field support teams in the region. Andreea majored in Management from The Bucharest University of Economic Studies (ASE) and graduated from the Executive Development program at Queens University in Canada.
She started her career in DHL as a tele-sales supervisor, then worked for 14 years at Vodafone Romania. In 2010 he stepped into entrepreneurship with Optima Solutions and Services, a contact center that provided services, then returned to the corporate world within Stefanini.
Throughout her career she has coordinated multicultural teams and she is passionate about traveling.